Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Should have reads....

Malin's Bokfemma (list of five books) of the week is about books that has been on your list of books that you think you should read, but haven't as of yet. Good subject! There are a few waiting in the book self, some of them I'm really ashamed to admit that I haven't come around to yet....

1. The Divine Comedy by Dante
Classic work and a must read. With my fascination for hell I can't believe that I haven't read it yet.

2. The Great Book of Amber by Roger Zelazny
I have never really read fantasy, and what I have read I'm not that keen about. I was recommended the Amber Chronicles this by one of my university professors, bought it but it has just been sitting on the shelf... It is a brick but they say it is worth it...

3. The Rabbit Series by John Updike
I have read other Updike works, mainly short stories and some criticism, and I really like his writing. I bought these books a few years ago but didn't get to them yet

4. Under my Skin and Walking in the Shade by Doris Lessing
Lessing was announced as the Noble price winner this week which reminds me that I have bought and wanted to read these books for a while.

5. The Confessions of St Augustine
The first autobiography ever written and one of most influential theological texts. It is the father of the conversions books, but should also be a very profound philosophical work. My suspicion is that a lot of modern theology is based on this book and it will be really interesting to read it.

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